Sunday, July 19

Method to overcome PROCRASTINATION

1. Get clear about what you want in life. Procrastinators, you’ll love this! Take 20-30 minutes to do this quick goal planning exercise. Write down all your goals in some or all of these categories: career, education, relationships, financial, physical, mindset, creative, spiritual, public service, travel, leisure, and other. Once you have your list, then whittle it down to your top 10, then down to your top 5, and then your top 3. Do this by asking yourself, “Can I live without this?” Let your less important goals lie dormant on a “maybe” list that you can check on again in a few months.

2. Delete or delegate from your To-Do List those things that don’t relate to your top 3-5 goals. Just say bye bye. And don’t look back!

3. Link tasks you don’t like to your goals. It helps to mentally (and in writing) tie these tasks to one of your main goals or values. So for example, “Keeping a tidy and clean home and desk allows me to have clarity of mind which is something I highly value. By having clarity of mind I will be better able to work on my goals and have less anxiety.” By linking the task to the pleasure of being able to think clearly, I now have a reason that will motivate me to take action.

4. Plan your day each day. This is not a big task. It should only take about 10-15 minutes of quiet time. Do the most difficult and most important things first and work your way down to the easier stuff in the afternoon. You’ll feel really good if you do this. Focus on that to motivate you to wait to check email and such until after you’ve finished your first big task.

5. Plan your week just enough to loosely schedule in some of the big things you know you want to get done. Sometimes procrastination happens simply because a task is not scheduled.

6. Allow for cheats and get rest when you’re tired or have low motivation. Don’t be so hard on yourself about the timing of a task and then you won’t try to escape through procrastination so hard in the future. Just reschedule and get back on track later or tomorrow. Also, remember to check if the task relates to one of your goals. See #1,2, and 3 again!

7. Just do it, but don’t over do it. We often put pressure on ourselves to do certain tasks more often than we really need to, such as cleaning/tidying/laundry etc. So give yourself a break and set a schedule for these things that is not overwhelming. Do thing on a “Need to do” basis and let go of the notion that you need to keep up with some perfect schedule. Ever hear of the business concept “just in time” inventory, well this is “just in time” task management.

8. Break down big tasks into smaller components. We procrastinate on tasks that are vague and nebulous because we don’t have clear instructions what to do next. Take a few moments to think about how to break down a larger task and schedule it into your calendar in pieces. This is good for when you are feeling overwhelmed.

9. Get help making decisions. Decisions are tough for me. I like to use the pro/con method and assign points. I also recommend getting help from a friend that you know is good with making decisions. Once you’ve made your decision then break it down into tasks and schedule into your calendar.

10. Believe in yourself and in your ability to accomplish anything you want. If you’ve lost hope, know that you can turn things around. Release the fear of failure. Failure is just a learning experience. Slow and steady wins the race. A little bit done every day adds up to a lot over a year. If you have to, just fake your belief until it becomes real. Remember, you can do it!

11. Trick & Treat Yourself. Do you keep avoiding cleaning up your desk or some other big task, even though you know will make you feel good to get it done? If so, do this: invite a friend or family member over for a date to “tackle the dreaded task.” All your friend has to do is sit in the room with you and make sure that you do the task. If you want you can let them help you, but it’s not necessary. After the task is done, you can treat you and your friend to either coffee, dessert, meal, movie, whatever!

K. Stone is author of Life Learning Today, a blog about daily life improvements.

Why We Procrastinate

Found something that I can really relate to
while casually browsing the net like nobody business

sharing it here...

Before we can solve the problem of procrastination we must understand why we do it. There are a few basic reasons:
  1. Feeling overwhelmed with a situation.
  2. Given up hope that a situation can be changed or affected.
  3. Afraid of failing.
  4. Too “Busy” to get the really important things done.
  5. Can’t make a decision.
  6. Overworked, tired.
  7. Want to avoid work you don’t like.
Each of these can be reduced down to the pleasure/pain principle which says that we do things to gain pleasure and to avoid pain. What follows is a method to overcome procrastination on the things that matter and to jettison excess baggage in your to-do list that only serves to weigh you down.

Thursday, June 25

I wish i invented them!

Was doing net surfing, and bumped into these 2 interesting websites about personal decision making tool. To look at how easy, interactive and cool they are presented was really a bummer. How should I use this resource for my research.? Freaking out mode. :-O

Monday, June 15


I was asked to take part in this exhibition/competition. Hmm..looking at the theme "Driving Research Innovation Towards Value Creation"..I was wondering how can I highlight the importance of value creation in my project. I'm planning to send my ep-Matrix project for this one.

This year PECIPTA will be co-organized by Uni Malaya and MoHE, so I heard. Last time, it was USM, and they really had a big moment, almost all their entries won medals. And i remembered Uni Malaya booth was just in front of ours (UUM). And I also remembered, I didnt win any medal. Haha. It was my first academic exhibition so I was the exhibition-virgin at that time. No experience and I talked like yada yada yada. Even the evaluators didnt want to listen, and cut me short with the "1 more minute" warning. Ciss.

OK, should start working on this project too. My workloads are stacking up now. Shucks!~
Start working Fuza. Fun time is over.

More about Pecipta'09:

Monday, May 18

Yezzaa! Finally~

I just finished my FIRST paper for this year (what a snail progress, well better late than never..tihehe). And sent it to ICSECS'09 conference. I asked my SV to do the checking (as always), she is my living dictionary cum proof reader cum critics cum DewanEja Pro (hehe). Lucky me to have her.

Now eying for another conference to join.

Ascilite 2009.


Pretty intriguing.
But what should i write about e-learning?
How can I possibly relate my research with learning?
there's got to be ways.

Start working brain!

Monday, May 11

What I've been doing..

Mock PhD Viva: Ariffin's

Went to witness En.Ipin's mock viva at the faculty. Boy, it really gave me a butterfly-in-the-stomach thingy. Why it has to be that scary?..why!!

Among questions/comments threw by those present at the mock viva (the questions were asked like bullets coming from all directions, like in Gaza war or something...scary)
  1. What the research is all about (in short)?
  2. What is the contribution to the BODY of KNOWLEDGE? (again and again)
  3. What's the reference style used?
  4. Motivation of study
  5. be careful with citations
  6. Are you proposing something better than what already existing?
  7. Illustration of idea taken form others' work must have reference
  8. Define your conceptual design model CLEARLY!
  9. Explain your figure in a flow that laymen can understand
  10. All abbreviations must be introduced prior to using it
  11. All terms used must be clarified (a) formal definition (b) resource (c) not something famously coined by public
  12. What theories you use in the study? Show the relationship CLEARLY!
  13. When you say MANY of something, give proof/example of MANY (2 or more)
  14. Arguments in citation taken from earlier year cannot put it as agreed with the later year.
  15. Put latest reference (if possible current year) - other than your/your supervisor work.
  16. Chronology of the technology existence must be written in a way that reader can understand it's evolution
  17. Rationale behind the study (avoid saying that "because I want to do it this way...") - give evidence with supported facts
  18. Avoid bias literature (don't only cite work done by your peers or supervisors)
  19. When you define something, make it clear either it comes from you or other resources
  20. Briefly explain all you illustrations (summary can be done in diagrams or words)
  21. Be clear with SCOPE of study
  22. Major difference between existing framework with what you are proposing
  23. Why such sample size
  24. What is your specific contribution to particular area of your study

Tuesday, May 5

ICSECS’09 Call for Papers

Faculty of Computer Systems and Software Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang is organizing the the International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems (ICSECS’09).

The Conference will take place in the year 2009 from 19th till 21st October in Swiss Garden Resort & Spa Kuantan Pahang, Malaysia. The theme for ICSECS’09 is ‘ICT and Industry: The Way Forward...yada yada yada...ICSECS’09 invites paper submissions in areas included, but not limited to the following tracks: Software Engineering, Computer Systems, Graphic & Multimedia, Simulation, Data Mining, Security, Network, Image Processing, Informatics, Systems Development & Application, Artificial Intelligent, Information Retrieval, Cognitive Science, Knowledge Society, Engineering & Technology, Computational Mathematics and other general topics.

Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission: 27th April 2009 – EXTENDED TO 18 May 2009
Notification of Acceptance: 25th June 2009
Camera Ready: 9th July 2009
Early Bird Registration: 20th July 2009
Conference Day: 19th – 21st October 2009

p/s: I'm thinking of sending one, I have to start somewhere. Enough with all the reading(s), time to write, write and write Fuza!

Tuesday, April 28

PhD Colloquium (IT Field)

Event#1: Phd Proposal Defense
Venue: Inside BMU, IT Building, UUM

Event#2: Poster Competition
Venue: Outside BMU, IT Building, UUM

designed by: Yours truly

Sunday, April 26

Chapter 1: Revisit

After weeks of indulging myself into design works, now I get to start working on the thesis chapters. I remember my supervisor asked me to revise my 1st chapter (and that was 2 weeks ago...tihehe..procrastination yeah i know) since I've just got a clue of what I'm doing with my research (yeah it does sounds peculiar, it is as if, I'm doing something without realizing what its all about).

I have to start looking at the research objectives again. And of course I need to find much stronger and convincing problem statement. Hmm speaking of that, I think I have to get acquainted with the OR people from FSK. Gee, who should I contact? I dont really know people from FSK. Maybe I can ask Dr Razamin. She seems to be friendly and willing to explain things (with so much passion). I saw her explaining things during the MQF meeting. Very committed.

Now, where's the staff directory. I need to get her number.

Thursday, April 23

Is that my brain I smell burning?

Boy, I had enough with poster design (though I like doing it), I've been giving too much attention to this stuff, that my back is aching, my eyes are soaring (due to staying up late without turning on the light because I dont want those insects to bite me...damn you insect!) and my finger tips harden (it feels like a sand paper) due to excessive use of touchpad and mouse clicking. Yawn! (and yes! Lack of quality sleep too).

After much thoughts and criticism and sarcasm and dont-give-me-that-Simon-Cowell-face , I finally decided to print the poster and just submit it to the office. And I promised myself I dont want to think about it again. My brain need to rest now. (but now I'm blogging about it, yikes! Thats it! I'm so done with this poster thing for now)

[Brain on standby mode]

These are few designs that i had earlier on...

So I decided to go with this (larger version: here)...

(En Sham face is still in the poster, though i made it small enough. I guess it's my lucky charm after all..tihehe)

Tuesday, April 21

IT PhD Poster Competition.

My supervisor wants me to take part in this competition, but I thought the deadline was yesterday. She said "No, it has been extended to 24th April". O-kay! Now I have to think of a new (a totally new) design for my research poster. I'm sick and tired of using the same confused-face-image-of-En.Sham in all my exhibition posters (it's her idea :) ), so this time around I get to design it the way I want it to be. Yeay!

So 3 more days, yikes, guess I have to start working on it. Come on brain start working now, I need you to show me your charms. Oh I forgot to ask her, what's the prize? 

(En. Sham bewildered face, used over and over again. No!! This time, no more! Period.)

Friday, April 17

The Prelim Study

I've been circulating (e-)questionnaires through email to find out what real people really think about the needs for ICT to support one's personal decision making. It has been 2 weeks now, and I only managed to receive back 24 responses. I was hoping for some kind of domino effects to happen, that is by forwarding the questionnaires to some of my close friends and also my sisters, and they will spread the word by forwarding to many more people in their mailing list. But i guess, I will just have to give it some more time before I can call it off and start working on the analysis part.

Talked to my supervisor the other day, about the questions that i include in the survey. She said they were OK, but probably some of the words i used were bit too BIG for laymen. Yea, i think so too...hee.

And after much thoughts, my supervisor popped something out: "Maybe we don't need to know, if there's a need or not for what we are doing? Of course nobody will be that certain to say yes".

She gave me some analogies like: "Do you think you need a computer before you actually know about the existence of computer? No, right? But having known about the technology now, you some how see the benefits that you can get from it, thus make you need/want to have the computer in your life".

...and another one, which was something like: "Why do you think the product magazines, made all the efforts to come out with great reviews and comparisons of several different products, just to give some idea for potential buyers to consider before actually buying one. So, don't you think, by having our prototype would ease the same process for buyers?"

And my reaction was something like: "Dang...why you always know what to say?".

Thursday, April 16

Yeay! I found this book in our library.

Since my supervisor only allow me to have the book on loan for 3 days, so i decided to start searching for the same copy. Luckily i found one (the only one left!) available in our library.

I find it really useful (really, really useful), especially for the less experienced (like me) in dealing with research issues. The way it is written, is so clear and light to my taking (which i can relate to most of the time).

I guess, my supervisor really don't know what else can she do to instill some confidence in me to carry on with my research. That's why she recommended me the book.

I know, it has been a year now, but still, i never feel satisfied with what i have done with the research. Let alone feeling content with the direction of the research. I still don't see it as PhD enough. Well I know, who am i to say so.'s not that I'm underestimating her (my supervisor) capabilities but it is just me. Being insecure like always. Sigh~ However, I'm still hanging on to the every-cloud-has-a-silver-lining-thingy, i hope something good will happen and help me fix my confidence issues.

Until then. Amin!

Wednesday, April 15

Why i need a research diary...

After reading this (halfway), i decided to start my own research diary. All these while, I've been jotting down all my thoughts and rants in a small notebook, which i call "My thinking book". But its getting really messy every time when I'm trying to figure out my own hand writing in that book. I've been scribbling most of the time, hence, explained the poor hand writing.

So, I guess that will be a good reason for me to have my own online research diary, at least this one looks better and easier for me to track down my progress. Hope it will last till my last day of PhD. Amin!