Monday, May 18

Yezzaa! Finally~

I just finished my FIRST paper for this year (what a snail progress, well better late than never..tihehe). And sent it to ICSECS'09 conference. I asked my SV to do the checking (as always), she is my living dictionary cum proof reader cum critics cum DewanEja Pro (hehe). Lucky me to have her.

Now eying for another conference to join.

Ascilite 2009.


Pretty intriguing.
But what should i write about e-learning?
How can I possibly relate my research with learning?
there's got to be ways.

Start working brain!

Monday, May 11

What I've been doing..

Mock PhD Viva: Ariffin's

Went to witness En.Ipin's mock viva at the faculty. Boy, it really gave me a butterfly-in-the-stomach thingy. Why it has to be that scary?..why!!

Among questions/comments threw by those present at the mock viva (the questions were asked like bullets coming from all directions, like in Gaza war or something...scary)
  1. What the research is all about (in short)?
  2. What is the contribution to the BODY of KNOWLEDGE? (again and again)
  3. What's the reference style used?
  4. Motivation of study
  5. be careful with citations
  6. Are you proposing something better than what already existing?
  7. Illustration of idea taken form others' work must have reference
  8. Define your conceptual design model CLEARLY!
  9. Explain your figure in a flow that laymen can understand
  10. All abbreviations must be introduced prior to using it
  11. All terms used must be clarified (a) formal definition (b) resource (c) not something famously coined by public
  12. What theories you use in the study? Show the relationship CLEARLY!
  13. When you say MANY of something, give proof/example of MANY (2 or more)
  14. Arguments in citation taken from earlier year cannot put it as agreed with the later year.
  15. Put latest reference (if possible current year) - other than your/your supervisor work.
  16. Chronology of the technology existence must be written in a way that reader can understand it's evolution
  17. Rationale behind the study (avoid saying that "because I want to do it this way...") - give evidence with supported facts
  18. Avoid bias literature (don't only cite work done by your peers or supervisors)
  19. When you define something, make it clear either it comes from you or other resources
  20. Briefly explain all you illustrations (summary can be done in diagrams or words)
  21. Be clear with SCOPE of study
  22. Major difference between existing framework with what you are proposing
  23. Why such sample size
  24. What is your specific contribution to particular area of your study

Tuesday, May 5

ICSECS’09 Call for Papers

Faculty of Computer Systems and Software Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Pahang is organizing the the International Conference on Software Engineering and Computer Systems (ICSECS’09).

The Conference will take place in the year 2009 from 19th till 21st October in Swiss Garden Resort & Spa Kuantan Pahang, Malaysia. The theme for ICSECS’09 is ‘ICT and Industry: The Way Forward...yada yada yada...ICSECS’09 invites paper submissions in areas included, but not limited to the following tracks: Software Engineering, Computer Systems, Graphic & Multimedia, Simulation, Data Mining, Security, Network, Image Processing, Informatics, Systems Development & Application, Artificial Intelligent, Information Retrieval, Cognitive Science, Knowledge Society, Engineering & Technology, Computational Mathematics and other general topics.

Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission: 27th April 2009 – EXTENDED TO 18 May 2009
Notification of Acceptance: 25th June 2009
Camera Ready: 9th July 2009
Early Bird Registration: 20th July 2009
Conference Day: 19th – 21st October 2009

p/s: I'm thinking of sending one, I have to start somewhere. Enough with all the reading(s), time to write, write and write Fuza!